Popular Lyric Writing 10 Steps to Effective Storytelling Berklee Guide Softcover

Popular Lyric Writing 10 Steps to Effective Storytelling Berklee Guide Softcover

  • Berklee Guide
  • Berklee Press
  • Digital Book
  • Andrea Stolpe

Write songs that sell! Hit-songwriter/educator Andrea Stolpe shares time-tested tools of commercial songwriting. Her ten-step process will help you to craft lyrics that communicate heart to heart with your audience. She analyzes hit lyrics from artists such as Faith Hill and John Mayer, and reveals why they are successful and how you can make your own songs successful too. Stolpe advises on how to: streamline and accelerate your writing process; use lyric structures and techniques at the heart of countless hit songs; write even when you're not inspired; more!

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  • Berklee Guide
  • Berklee Press
  • Softcover
  • Andrea Stolpe

Write songs that sell! Hit-songwriter/educator Andrea Stolpe shares time-tested tools of commercial songwriting. Her ten-step process will help you to craft lyrics that communicate heart to heart with your audience. She analyzes hit lyrics from artists such as Faith Hill and John Mayer, and reveals why they are successful and how you can make your own songs successful too. Stolpe advises on how to: streamline and accelerate your writing process; use lyric structures and techniques at the heart of countless hit songs; write even when you're not inspired; more!

Product Details

  • #HL 50449553
  • 9780876390870
  • 884088114213
  • 6.0"
  • 9.0"
  • 160 Pages

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