Valerie Mack

Valerie Lippoldt Mack, lead instructor of music at Butler Community College in El Dorado, Kansas received a Bachelor of Arts from Bethany College, a Bachelor of Music Education and Master’s of Music Education from Wichita State University. Valerie has gained experience and recognition as a music educator and professional choreographer throughout the United States. Her choreography has been featured at Carnegie Hall, Disney World, national ACDA conventions and MENC workshops. A noted clinician, adjudicator and director, she has presented and adjudicated more than 500 workshops and festivals, including the Shawnee Press annual Music in the Mountains event. She and her husband Tom, direct the annual Butler Showchoir Showcase each summer in El Dorado, Kansas. At Butler Community College, Valerie directs the 100-voice Butler Concert Choir, the Butler Headliners Showchoir, the Smorgaschords Barbershop Quartet, and teaches tap dance and private voice. The barbershop quartet continuously places at the International Collegiate Barbershop Competition. Valerie was honored as the Butler Master Teacher, has delivered commencement addresses, and is in demand as a motivational speaker for numerous events. In her spare time, Valerie teaches at the Kansas Dance Academy, is a talent coach for the Miss America program, and is involved with family activities. Valerie and Tom reside in Wichita, Kansas with their two children, Stevie and Zane.

Publications by Valerie Mack

Valerie Mack
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