Daily Routine with Technical and Developmental Studies for Trumpet Southern Music Brass Softcover

Daily Routine with Technical and Developmental Studies for Trumpet Southern Music Brass Softcover

  • Southern Music Brass
  • Southern Music Company
  • Softcover
  • Trumpet
  • David Ritter
  • 24.95 (US)

Daily Routines with Technical and Developmental Studies for Trumpet is built around the importance of developing a proper skill set for playing the trumpet through routine practice focused on core fundamentals like articulation, finger technique, proper air usage, flexibility, range, tone quality, etc. Mr. Ritter incorporates a sequential approach so that as a student experiences success with a particular skill, a greater challenge of that skill is presented, resulting in ever further development. His structured approach to practicing and developing as a trumpet player has prepared hundreds of students for careers as teachers and performers, and through this method, students of the trumpet can continue to benefit from his experience and master teaching for generations. This book deserves a spot next to all of the standard trumpet methods on the stand of any serious trumpet student.” -Gary T. Wurtz

Product Details

  • #HL 384010
  • 9781638871323
  • 196288022206
  • B591
  • 9.0"
  • 12.0"

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