Sharon Burch
Sharon Burch began teaching general music in 1987. Constantly pursuing the best methods of educationally connecting with students, she is a certified teacher with the International Piano Teaching Foundation, earned a master’s degree as a Professional Educator and uses a combination of strategies to enable kids to experience concepts in the classroom. Teaching creatively, Sharon introduced Freddie the Frog to her classroom of music students in 1995 and discovered the magic of games, storytelling and puppetry in teaching.
She authored Freddie the Frog and the Thump in the Night, Freddie the Frog and the Bass Clef Monster, Freddie the Frog and the Mysterious Wahooooo, and Freddie the Frog and the Secret of Crater Island as the first of several adventuresome stories introducing fundamental music concepts. Collaborating with jazz double bass player and elementary educator, Sherry Luchette, the next book introduces jazz through scat and improv in an interactive story—Freddie the Frog and the Flying Jazz Kitten. Sharon and Sherry serve on the Jazz Education Network Elementary Jazz Committee. Sharon enjoys sharing her teaching strategies atmusic conferences and clinics with teachers around the globe and teaches general music to the K-3 students in the Centerville Community School District in Centerville, Iowa.