A useful resource for upper voice choirs. It includes thirty-one pieces, several compositions and new arrangements published for the first time, a set of Preces and Responses and a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. The music is drawn from the 18th to the 21st centuries and has been carefully selected to embrace a wide range of musical and vocal abilities from unison to four-part writing.
Song List
Ave Maria
Ave Verum
The Bringer Of Life
A Christmas Carol
Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life
God Be In My Head
God Be With You Till We Meet Again
A Greatful Heart
Here I Am, Lord
Here, O My Lord
Hills Of The North
How Like An Angel I Came
How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings
A Hymn To The Virgin
I Sing Of A Maiden
Magnificat And Nunc Dimittis
A New Year Carol
Notre Pere
Nunc Dimittis
Panis Angelicus
Pie Jesu
A Prayer
Prayer Of St. Francis
Preces And Responses
Psalm 150
Through The Day
The Virgin's Slumber Song
Product Details
#HL 14014997
150 Pages
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