The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in editions by Anthony G. Petti. Contents: Cantate Domino (Hassler) • Deus In Adjutorium (Senfl) • Ecce Concipies (Handl) • Ecce Quomodo (Handl) • Factus Est Repente (Aichinger) • Laetentur Caeli (Hassler) • Puer Natus (Praetorius) • Regina Caeli (Aichinger) • Resonet In Laudibus (Handl) • Salve Rex Noster (Praetorius) • Tu Es Petrus (Hassler) • Verbum Caro (Walter).
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Series: Music Sales America