Get funky as you jam along on buckets and optional percussion to these sweet songs! Everything is provided from helpful warm-ups to authentic rhythm sections, grooves and specific playing suggestions. Styles like Southern rock, R&B as well as old time rock and roll are explored with this inexpensive, yet surprisingly musical found instrument. Full scores are provided for the teacher, along with digital access to play-along audio recordings and separate PDFs of bucket drum and optional percussion instrument parts. Right off the records play-along tracks are included for even more rhythm-making fun. So grab your sticks, buckets and friends and have a blast. ′Come on and take a Free Ride′! Songs include: Free Ride, I Got You (I Feel Good), Rock Around the Clock, Shake It Off, Sweet Home Alabama, Uptown Funk. Suggested for grades 4-8.
Song List
Free Ride
I Got You (I Feel Good)
Rock Around The Clock
Shake It Off
Sweet Home Alabama
Uptown Funk
Product Details
#HL 00155249
36 Pages
Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
Get funky as you jam along on buckets and optional percussion to these sweet songs! Everything is provided from helpful warm-ups to authentic rhythm sections, grooves and specific playing suggestions. Styles like Southern rock, R&B as well as old time rock and roll are explored with this inexpensive, yet surprisingly musical found instrument. Full scores are provided for the teacher, along with digital access to play-along audio recordings and separate PDFs of bucket drum and optional percussion instrument parts. Right off the records play-along tracks are included for even more rhythm-making fun. So grab your sticks, buckets and friends and have a blast. ′Come on and take a Free Ride′! Songs include: Free Ride, I Got You (I Feel Good), Rock Around the Clock, Shake It Off, Sweet Home Alabama, Uptown Funk. Suggested for grades 4-8.
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