Fretboard Roadmaps – Baritone Ukulele The Essential Patterns That All the Pros Know and Use Ukulele Softcover Audio Online - TAB

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Fretboard Roadmaps – Baritone Ukulele The Essential Patterns That All the Pros Know and Use Ukulele Softcover Audio Online - TAB

  • Ukulele
  • Softcover Audio Online – TAB
  • Fred Sokolow

Take your baritone uke playing to the next level with this great package that will teach you how to: strum backup chords all over the fretboard, in any key; play chord solos up and down the fretboard; solo in any key using first-position major scales, chord-based licks, and moveable major and blues scales; understand chord progressions; increase your chord vocabulary; and more. Tunes and exercises that illustrate each technique are written in standard notation and tablature and played on the accompanying audio. An absolute beginner can follow the diagrams and instruction from the beginning. Intermediate and advanced players can use the chapters non-sequentially to increase their understanding of the baritone ukulele.

Audio is accessed online using the unique code in each book and includes PLAYBACK+ tools such as tempo adjustment, looping, and more.


  • Baritone Ukulele
  • Ukulele

Product Details

  • #HL 00198246
  • 9781495076398
  • 888680647643
  • 9.0"
  • 12.0"
  • 80 Pages

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

  • Ukulele
  • Digital Book/Online Audio – TAB
  • Fred Sokolow

Take your baritone uke playing to the next level with this great package that will teach you how to: strum backup chords all over the fretboard, in any key; play chord solos up and down the fretboard; solo in any key using first-position major scales, chord-based licks, and moveable major and blues scales; understand chord progressions; increase your chord vocabulary; and more. Tunes and exercises that illustrate each technique are written in standard notation and tablature and played on the accompanying audio. An absolute beginner can follow the diagrams and instruction from the beginning. Intermediate and advanced players can use the chapters non-sequentially to increase their understanding of the baritone ukulele.

Audio is accessed online using the unique code in each book and includes PLAYBACK+ tools such as tempo adjustment, looping, and more.

Hal Leonard Digital Books are cloud-based publications, which are streaming and require internet access. Upon purchase, you will be provided with an access code and a link to Hal Leonard's MyLibrary site, where you can view your digital book along with supplemental audio or video where applicable.

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  • Baritone Ukulele
  • Ukulele

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

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