Hal Leonard Gypsy Jazz Guitar Method Includes Video Instruction and Audio Play-Alongs! Guitar Educational Softcover Media Online - TAB

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Hal Leonard Gypsy Jazz Guitar Method Includes Video Instruction and Audio Play-Alongs! Guitar Educational Softcover Media Online - TAB

  • Guitar Educational
  • Hal Leonard
  • Softcover Media Online – TAB
  • Jeff Magidson, Dave Rubin

The Hal Leonard Guitar Method has been a mainstay for students of the guitar for many years. In this latest installment, the Hal Leonard Gypsy Jazz Guitar Method, guitarist Jeff Magidson (Hot Club of Francisco, Duo Gadjo) guides you through this ubuquitous style that first emerged in the 1930s as a result of cross-pollinating American swing with distinct European and Romani folk flavors, along with brilliant virtuosity. This book gives you all the necessary tools and information to help you authentically play this singular style, emulating the playing of greats like Django Reinhardt and other icons. Co-author Dave Rubin documents the history of the style and popular players that helped shape it. To enhance your experience even further, the concepts in the book are demonstrated by the author himself in over an hour of video instruction! We've also included play-along tracks for you to solo over.

Includes: • Rhythmic feel and understanding “La Pompe” (the pump)

• Improvisation and embellishing melodies

• Picking techniques

• Fingerings and fretboard idioms

• Articulations

• Scales and arpeggios in practice

• Chord voicings and advanced harmony

• Incorporating licks from iconic players

• Recommended listening

• Video lessons

• Play-along tracks


  • Guitar

Product Details

  • #HL 00263867
  • 9781540021472
  • 888680729776
  • 9.0"
  • 12.0"
  • 104 Pages

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

  • Guitar Educational
  • Hal Leonard
  • Digital Book/Online Supplemental Content – TAB
  • Jeff Magidson, Dave Rubin

The Hal Leonard Guitar Method has been a mainstay for students of the guitar for many years. In this latest installment, the Hal Leonard Gypsy Jazz Guitar Method, guitarist Jeff Magidson (Hot Club of Francisco, Duo Gadjo) guides you through this ubuquitous style that first emerged in the 1930s as a result of cross-pollinating American swing with distinct European and Romani folk flavors, along with brilliant virtuosity. This book gives you all the necessary tools and information to help you authentically play this singular style, emulating the playing of greats like Django Reinhardt and other icons. Co-author Dave Rubin documents the history of the style and popular players that helped shape it. To enhance your experience even further, the concepts in the book are demonstrated by the author himself in over an hour of video instruction! We've also included play-along tracks for you to solo over.

Includes: • Rhythmic feel and understanding “La Pompe” (the pump)

• Improvisation and embellishing melodies

• Picking techniques

• Fingerings and fretboard idioms

• Articulations

• Scales and arpeggios in practice

• Chord voicings and advanced harmony

• Incorporating licks from iconic players

• Recommended listening

• Video lessons

• Play-along tracks

Hal Leonard Digital Books are cloud-based publications, which are streaming and require internet access. Upon purchase, you will be provided with an access code and a link to Hal Leonard's MyLibrary site, where you can view your digital book along with supplemental audio or video where applicable.

  • Fast loading desktop and mobile experience
  • Auto-resume across devices
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  • Responsive book design, so things look great on mobile too
  • New books being added regularly... check back often at https://www.halleonard.com/digitalbook/!


  • Guitar

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

US iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store
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