First 50 Licks You Should Play on Guitar Guitar Educational Softcover Audio Online - TAB

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First 50 Licks You Should Play on Guitar Guitar Educational Softcover Audio Online - TAB

If you're new to the guitar, you're probably eager to learn some licks. This book provides a variety of must-know examples. Each is presented in four different keys and notated with easy-to-read rhythm tab. All 50 licks also include helpful playing tips, stylistic inform, and audio demonstration tracks online for download or streaming. Licks presented include the styles of legendary guitarists like Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Jimi Hendrix, B.B. King, Randy Rhoads, Carlos Santana, Stevie Ray Vaughan and many more.


  • Guitar

Product Details

  • #HL 00278875
  • 9781540030627
  • 888680755065
  • 9.0"
  • 12.0"
  • 64 Pages

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If you're new to the guitar, you're probably eager to learn some licks. This book provides a variety of must-know examples. Each is presented in four different keys and notated with easy-to-read rhythm tab. All 50 licks also include helpful playing tips, stylistic inform, and audio demonstration tracks online for download or streaming. Licks presented include the styles of legendary guitarists like Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Jimi Hendrix, B.B. King, Randy Rhoads, Carlos Santana, Stevie Ray Vaughan and many more.

Hal Leonard Digital Books are cloud-based publications, which are streaming and require internet access. Upon purchase, you will be provided with an access code and a link to Hal Leonard's MyLibrary site, where you can view your digital book along with supplemental audio or video where applicable.

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  • Guitar

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US iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store
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