A universal message of sharing the love of Christ in adventurous obedience to His guiding Spirit brings purpose to this sermon in song. The anthem begins with a hymn-like opening of dignity and reverence. The tune soon begins to flow, calling the child of God to service: “Help us be Your hands in a world that needs compassion. Help us feed the hungry and comfort those in need.” A strong challenge to the modern church clothed in memorable themes and strong harmonies. A song for our time!
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A universal message of sharing the love of Christ in adventurous obedience to His guiding Spirit brings purpose to this sermon in song. The anthem begins with a hymn-like opening of dignity and reverence. The tune soon begins to flow, calling the child of God to service: “Help us be Your hands in a world that needs compassion. Help us feed the hungry and comfort those in need.” A strong challenge to the modern church clothed in memorable themes and strong harmonies. A song for our time!
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This product has a minimum order quantity of 10 copies. It is important to remember: according to US copyright law, it is essential to purchase the exact number of copies given to your ensemble. Duplication beyond the purchased quantity is not allowed.
A universal message of sharing the love of Christ in adventurous obedience to His guiding Spirit brings purpose to this sermon in song. The anthem begins with a hymn-like opening of dignity and reverence. The tune soon begins to flow, calling the child of God to service: “Help us be Your hands in a world that needs compassion. Help us feed the hungry and comfort those in need.” A strong challenge to the modern church clothed in memorable themes and strong harmonies. A song for our time!
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Series: Shawnee Sacred