Tadeusz Kosciuszko: Artist in 3 Books Sketches and Watercolors, Essays and Facsimilies

for Piano Solo
PWM Hardcover

Tadeusz Kosciuszko: Artist in 3 Books Sketches and Watercolors, Essays and Facsimilies

for Piano Solo
PWM Hardcover

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  • PWM
  • PWM Edition
  • Hardcover
  • Tadeusz Kosciuszko
  • $46.00 (US)

In 2017, PWM commemorated the bicentenary of the death of Tadeusz Kosciuszko, a great hero of Poland. To mark the occasion, PWM Edition presented this publication revealing a different side to Kosciuszko to that which is widely familiar. We usually hear and read about his military accomplishments, which certainly deserve to be remembered, yet Kosciuszko was a multi-faceted person who cannot be fully appreciated from just a single perspective. This leader of a national insurrection was a pupil of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in Paris. He also played the piano and may possibly have composed and arranged music as well. The aim of this publication is to shoaw Kosciuszko both as a creative artist and also as a source of inspiration for composers of the early nineteenth century.

Comprising three separate components, this hard-bound boxed set with three books is divided into two parts, dealing with art and music. Presented in the first part are drawings and watercolors that appear independently, as a selection of reproductions, or else as illustrations of Pawel Ignaczak's essay on Kosciuszko's works of art. In the second part, Adam Tomasz Kukla's article introduces readers to the world of music composed or arranged by Kosciuszko and music referring to him. Musically gifted readers are encouraged to play selected compositions from those discussed in the essay, thanks to the music accompanying the book.

Text in Polish and English.


  • Piano

Product Details

  • #HL 00291107
  • 9788322450703
  • 12117010
  • 9.5"
  • 12.5"
  • 170 Pages

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