This product has a minimum order quantity of 10 copies. It is important to remember: according to US copyright law, it is essential to purchase the exact number of copies given to your ensemble. Duplication beyond the purchased quantity is not allowed.
This powerful and poignant ballad was written in response to the immigrant crisis which gripped the United States in 2018. Masterfully arranged by Mac for concert choirs. The a cappella opening sets the stage for a powerful choral ballad and sets up the important lyrics.
Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
This product has a minimum order quantity of 10 copies. It is important to remember: according to US copyright law, it is essential to purchase the exact number of copies given to your ensemble. Duplication beyond the purchased quantity is not allowed.
This powerful and poignant ballad was written in response to the immigrant crisis which gripped the United States in 2018. Masterfully arranged by Mac for concert choirs. The a cappella opening sets the stage for a powerful choral ballad and sets up the important lyrics.
Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
This powerful and poignant ballad was written in response to the immigrant crisis which gripped the United States in 2018. Masterfully arranged by Mac for concert choirs. The a cappella opening sets the stage for a powerful choral ballad and sets up the important lyrics.
Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
This powerful and poignant ballad was written in response to the immigrant crisis which gripped the United States in 2018. Masterfully arranged by Mac for concert choirs. The a cappella opening sets the stage for a powerful choral ballad and sets up the important lyrics.
Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
Series: Choral