PR20-UT Utility Handheld Microphone with Mic Clip and Windscreen Heil Sound Microphone

PR20-UT Utility Handheld Microphone with Mic Clip and Windscreen Heil Sound Microphone

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  • Heil Sound
  • Heil Sound
  • Microphone
  • $99.00 (US)

The Heil PR20-UT microphone with its tapered, black mic body, sports a tough stainless screen. Think of it as a PR20 minus the additional (black and gold) screens. The PR20-UT utility microphone has the same ruggedness, same quality and frequency range and workmanship as the PR20. The PR20-UT is the microphone to buy in multiple quantities for those seeking to save money while building a high quality “microphone arsenal” to set the stage, or studio. The PR20-UT is without a doubt the new industry standard in utility cardioid dynamic microphones. With the PR20-UT you get the PR20 with a stainless mesh screen, mic clip, black foam acoustical wind screen, in a vinyl zipper carrying bag.

Product Details

  • #HL 00364938
  • 810100410131
  • PR20-UT
  • 5.0"
  • 11.25"

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

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