Up Tempo Rock – Quick Licks Style: Jimmy Page; Key: Am Lick Library DVD

Up Tempo Rock – Quick Licks Style: Jimmy Page; Key: Am Lick Library DVD

Learn up tempo rock licks in the style of Jimmy Page, the man that laid the bluesy soloing foundations of heavy rock! Also includes rock guitar jam track. Guitar lessons by Danny Gill, Each Quick Licks DVD includes an arsenal of guitar licks in the style of your chosen artist to add to your repertoire, plus backing tracks to practice your new licks and techniques. Danny Gill is a former pupil of Joe Satriani, and co-author of the Musicians Institute Rock Guitar series. His songs have appeared on TV shows including 'The Osbournes' and film sound tracks such as 'Insomnia' and 'Under Siege.'


  • Guitar

Product Details

  • #HL 00393146
  • 884088580964
  • RDR0312
  • 5.5"
  • 7.5"

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