Wind in the Reeds for Bassoon and Piano (or Baritone Saxophone) Anglo Music Concert Band Softcover

Wind in the Reeds for Bassoon and Piano (or Baritone Saxophone) Anglo Music Concert Band Softcover

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  • Anglo Music Concert Band
  • Anglo Music Press
  • Softcover
  • Philip Sparke
  • $29.99 (US)

The bassoon solo, Wind in the Reeds, was commissioned by Deena Draycott in memory of John Watson, an army bandsman, teacher and bassoonist; it is both a tribute and lasting memorial to John. The piece is largely pastoral in nature, evoking images conjured up by the “play on words” in the title, but includes a faster central section which exploits other aspects of the character of the bassoon. Transitions between the various sections of the piece are achieved through a series of accompanied cadenzas for the soloist. Also suitable as a solo for baritone saxophone (solo part included).


  • Baritone Saxophone
  • Bassoon
  • Piano Accompaniment

Product Details

  • #HL 04009108
  • 196288307778
  • AMP 498-401
  • 0:16:00

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