Italian composer Nicola Vaccai (1790-1848) was known for his operas in his day, but today is remembered as a master voice teacher. Vaccai composed these exercises for training the classical voice, extending range and increasing agility, breath support, and all other technical issues of singing. The art of singing reached a zenith in Italy in 1800-1840. Vaccai's “Practical Method” has been used by millions of singers since its first publication in Europe in the 19th century. Schirmer released the first American edition in the early 20th century, and it remains a classic for voice study. The method comes in various editions for different voice types, including this one for mezzo-soprano, alto or baritone.
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Italian composer Nicola Vaccai (1790-1848) was known for his operas in his day, but today is remembered as a master voice teacher. Vaccai composed these exercises for training the classical voice, extending range and increasing agility, breath support, and all other technical issues of singing. The art of singing reached a zenith in Italy in 1800-1840. Vaccai's “Practical Method” has been used by millions of singers since its first publication in Europe in the 19th century. Schirmer released the first American edition in the early 20th century, and it remains a classic for voice study. The method comes in various editions for different voice types, including this one for mezzo-soprano, alto or baritone.
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Series: Vocal Method