Eng. Translated by Nicholl.
Song List
'Tis I, my sin (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Ah! now is my Jesus gone (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Ah, dearest Jesu (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Ah, woe! (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Alas, my Jesus (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Be still (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Bleed and break (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Come, blessed Cross (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Come, my heart (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Come, ye daughters (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Entrust thy ways (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
For love now is my Saviour (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Give me back my Jesus (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Gladly will I take (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Grief and pain (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Haste ye! (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Have I Also From Thee (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Here bide we still (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
I would be with my Jesus (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
I'll stand here close (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Ich Will Dir Mein Herze Schenken (Lord, To Thee My Heart Is Given)
Is my weeping (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Not upon the feast (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Now upon that feast (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
O Head so sorely (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
O man, bewail (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Remember me, my Saviour (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
So has the world (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Thy mercy, Lord (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
To what purpose (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
What God hath willed (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
What wonders rare (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
When comes my hour (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Where wilt thou (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Who was it so did strike (Bach-St.Matthew Passion)
Product Details
- #HL 50324150
- 9781458488435
- 073999132502
- 6.75"
- 10.5"
- 238 Pages
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