Producing Drum Beats Writing & Mixing Killer Drum Grooves Berklee Guide Softcover with disk

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Producing Drum Beats Writing & Mixing Killer Drum Grooves Berklee Guide Softcover with disk

  • Berklee Guide
  • Berklee Press
  • Softcover with disk
  • Erik Hawkins
  • $22.99 (US)

Whether you're into hip-hop, urban, rock, alternative, dance, electronic, jazz, blues, or country, drums play a prominent roll in the production and arrangement of a song. This book will help to explain everything you'll need to know to produce your own killer beats, from describing individual drums and how they are most commonly played, to MIDI drum sequencing tricks used by the pros, and the proper use of compression, EQ, and group effects when mixing drums. Over time and with steady practice, you'll be able to make these drum production techniques your own, taking your song production skills to the next level while at the same time becoming a master beat-maker.


  • Drums

Product Details

  • #HL 50449598
  • 9780876391037
  • 884088402600
  • 9.0"
  • 12.0"
  • 96 Pages

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