Piano Pieces: Shorter Works for Piano – Volume 3 Piano Softcover

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Piano Pieces: Shorter Works for Piano – Volume 3 Piano Softcover

  • Piano
  • Associated Music Publishers, Inc.
  • Softcover
  • Charles Ives

Volume 3 of The Complete Shorter Piano Works of Charles Ives is a compilation of miscellaneous works by Ives. These works range from small-scale early pieces to larger scale settings of music related to the Concord Sonata. The volume also contains critical performance editions of four important genre pieces by Ives. Finally, the compendium includes the first publication of Ives's original piano version of The St. Gaudens (Black March). Two major works within this volume have a unique and complicated history.


  • Piano

Product Details

  • #HL 50605247
  • 9781705170175
  • 196288084594
  • 9.0"
  • 12.0"
  • 100 Pages

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  • Piano
  • Associated Music Publishers, Inc.
  • Digital Book
  • Charles Ives

Volume 3 of The Complete Shorter Piano Works of Charles Ives is a compilation of miscellaneous works by Ives. These works range from small-scale early pieces to larger scale settings of music related to the Concord Sonata. The volume also contains critical performance editions of four important genre pieces by Ives. Finally, the compendium includes the first publication of Ives's original piano version of The St. Gaudens (Black March). Two major works within this volume have a unique and complicated history.

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  • Piano

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