This product has a minimum order quantity of 10 copies. It is important to remember: according to US copyright law, it is essential to purchase the exact number of copies given to your ensemble. Duplication beyond the purchased quantity is not allowed.
Uses: Reflection, Concert
Scripture: Isaiah 40:31
Once you begin hearing this piece you are drawn want to sing it. The “eagle's wings” text is one of the most frequently set to music, and yet this one sounds like it has always been there, but not revealed until now. The essence of “wait” is captured in the opening section, which gives way to a new tempo, building with the “mounting on wings.” The true soaring takes place with a 12/8 meter, the voices building in triumph. A final return to the “waiting” theme provides an assurance that has permeated the entire composition. Excellent for church and school.
Please note: this item will be printed at the time of ordering and will ship as soon as possible, usually within 3-5 business days.
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