Carl Martin EchoTone EAST SOUND RESEARCH Guitar Pedal

Carl Martin EchoTone EAST SOUND RESEARCH Guitar Pedal

  • Carl Martin
  • Guitar Pedal
  • 479.00 (US)

The Carl Martin Echotone! 1200 milliseconds of vintage echo, foot-switchable Tap or Manual time settings, insert loop and switchable trail function at bypass. Imagine switching from a Manual time setting to a Tap time setting right at your feet, so you can play with your favourite slap-back echo on rhythm to a Tap (tempo) set echo for that massive lead or solo! Combine this with flavouring your echo by installing a chorus, flange or even distortion pedal in the insert loop, and the switchable trail function at bypass, and you have what our test players are calling 'the best echo they have ever heard'! As with all the Danish built Carl Martin effects, the Echotone comes in our low-profile housing, coated in our new stunning off-white colour, with the built-in 12v (+-) regulated power supply.

Product Details

  • #HL 438835
  • 852940000813
  • CM0020
  • 5.5"
  • 10.0"

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

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