Carl Martin Noise Terminator Pedal EAST SOUND RESEARCH Guitar Pedal

Carl Martin Noise Terminator Pedal EAST SOUND RESEARCH Guitar Pedal

  • Carl Martin
  • Guitar Pedal
  • 169.00 (US)

The Carl Martin Noise Terminator is a 9V-battery-powered pedal designed to preserve the original tonal characteristics while removing unwanted noise that occurs when multiple effects are used. The Carl Martin Noise Terminator surpasses the performance of conventional noise gates by allowing the player to switch between two threshold settings: Soft - with less noisy equipment: Hard - when more radical settings are required. The remote jack allows you to connect the Noise Terminator to an external midi switching system, which allows the player to go between the soft and hard settings with ease. The Carl Martin Noise TerminatorŸ features an AC adapter jack.

Product Details

  • #HL 438841
  • 852940000165
  • CM0105
  • 4.5"
  • 7.0"

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

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