Carl Martin Paraloop EAST SOUND RESEARCH Guitar Pedal

Carl Martin Paraloop EAST SOUND RESEARCH Guitar Pedal

  • Carl Martin
  • Guitar Pedal
  • 179.00 (US)

The Carl Martin Paraloop helps to bridge the gap between digital effects and analog signals. When using digital multi-effects through amplifiers with only serial fx-loops, using the Paraloop will allow you to adjust the amount of digital fx signal or the amount of analog signal you prefer (with the Wet/Dry Control Knob), or with a Bypass switch to take the entire digital effects unit out of the loop. Allowing a certain percentage of analog signal to remain under your digitally affected signal, creates a fuller, richer tone....just ask Carl!

Product Details

  • #HL 438847
  • 852940000417
  • CM0111
  • 4.5"
  • 7.25"

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

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