If you're looking for a comprehensive collection of the best classical guitar repertoire, this is it! Each piece is written in standard notation (no tab) and includes essential right- and left-hand fingerings. This collection includes compositions by J.S. Bach, Augustin Barrios, Matteo Carcassi, Domenico Scarlatti, Fernando Sor, Francisco Tárrega, Robert de Visée, Antonio Vivaldi and many more.
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If you're looking for a comprehensive collection of the best classical guitar repertoire, this is it! Each piece is written in standard notation (no tab) and includes essential right- and left-hand fingerings. This collection includes compositions by J.S. Bach, Augustin Barrios, Matteo Carcassi, Domenico Scarlatti, Fernando Sor, Francisco Tárrega, Robert de Visée, Antonio Vivaldi and many more.
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Series: Guitar Solo