Visual Guitar Theory An Easy Guide to Recognizing and Understanding Essential Fretboard Patterns Guitar Educational Softcover - TAB

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Visual Guitar Theory An Easy Guide to Recognizing and Understanding Essential Fretboard Patterns Guitar Educational Softcover - TAB

  • Guitar Educational
  • Softcover – TAB
  • Chad Johnson

Many guitarists spend years, or entire lives, feeling their way around the guitar neck in the dark. But it doesn't have to be that way! Experiencing the freedom that comes with a little theoretical knowledge is not as difficult as it may seem. With Visual Guitar Theory, you'll quickly “connect the dots” by seeing and understanding the shapes and patterns that make music work, with over 500 full-color fretboard diagrams, detailed lessons, quizzes, and an organized, progressive teaching approach. Topics covered include: intervals; building triads; transposing chord shapes; inversions; building scales; and much more.


  • Guitar

Product Details

  • #HL 00217886
  • 9781495088964
  • 888680667573
  • 9.0"
  • 12.0"
  • 72 Pages

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  • Guitar Educational
  • Digital Book – TAB
  • Chad Johnson

Many guitarists spend years, or entire lives, feeling their way around the guitar neck in the dark. But it doesn't have to be that way! Experiencing the freedom that comes with a little theoretical knowledge is not as difficult as it may seem. With Visual Guitar Theory, you'll quickly “connect the dots” by seeing and understanding the shapes and patterns that make music work, with over 500 full-color fretboard diagrams, detailed lessons, quizzes, and an organized, progressive teaching approach. Topics covered include: intervals; building triads; transposing chord shapes; inversions; building scales; and much more.

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  • Guitar

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