As a Little Child (Incorporating “Jesus Loves Me”) Shawnee Sacred

As a Little Child (Incorporating “Jesus Loves Me”) Shawnee Sacred

  • Shawnee Sacred
  • Shawnee Press
  • SATB
  • Joseph M. Martin
  • 2.65 (US)

This product has a minimum order quantity of five copies.

If you're looking for an anthem which incorporates a children's or youth choir, you're in for a treat. As a Little Child uses that universally loved hymn, “Jesus Loves Me,” which can be sung easily by children, ladies or a few voices of any combination. The text is based on the scriptures telling us that we must become as little children to share in the kingdom of God. A delicate piano accompaniment contributes to a feeling of innocence that culminates with the addition of “Jesus Loves Me.” Generous use of two-part writing with full four-part phrases for contrast and emphasis combine for an anthem that's highly effective and suitable for any size choir. Refreshing.

This product is printed in small quantities. Inventory is currently available but may change due to the low quantities normally kept on hand.


  • Choral

Product Details

  • #HL 35001289
  • 747510038566
  • A6851
  • 6.75"
  • 10.5"
  • 8 Pages

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

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