Give a child the ultimate gift: the joy of making music that will last a lifetime! John Thompson's books have taught millions of pianists because he was a brilliant player and educator who knew how to teach piano in a manner that would keep young students interested in playing.
Teaching Little Fingers to Play is a book for the early beginner combining rote and note approach. The melodies are written with careful thought and are kept as simple as possible, yet they are refreshingly delightful. All the music lies within the grasp of the child's small hands. Full-color illustrations, simple and short instructions, and creative music often with lyrics all hold students' interest with “something new in every lesson.”
A best-seller around the world! Teacher accompaniments are available in a separate book - Teaching Little Fingers to Play Ensemble (HL412228).
Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
A book for the early beginner combining rote and note approach. The melodies are written with careful thought and are kept as simple as possible, yet they are refreshingly delightful. All the music lies within the grasp of the child's small hands. A best-seller around the world! Teacher accompaniments are available in a separate book - Teaching Little Fingers to Play Ensemble (412228). NOTE: The latest reprint (2017) features fewer fingerings and refreshed images.
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Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
Series: Willis