A Dozen a Day Book 1 Willis

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A Dozen a Day Book 1 Willis

The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Packed with delightful exercises designed to improve technique and build confidence, this series turns practice into play. While the series is named Dozen a Day, the exercises are meant to be broken down and learned in groups of two or three before moving on. Once the first dozen – or Group I – has been mastered and perfected, Group II may be introduced in the same manner, and so on for the other Groups. The exercises can even be transposed to different keys to add a challenge when needed. Book 1 offers more challenging exercises to conquer after mastering all exercises from the Preparatory book.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to brush up on your basics, each simple exercise prepares your fingers for more challenging pieces down the raod. An essential series for beginning pianists of all ages!


  • Piano/Keyboard

Product Details

  • #HL 00413366
  • 9780877180319
  • 073999730906
  • 6722
  • 9.0"
  • 12.0"
  • 32 Pages

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

  • Willis
  • Willis Music
  • Digital Book
  • Edna Mae Burnam

The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of each practice session, providing excellent day-to-day training for the student.

Hal Leonard Digital Books are cloud-based publications, which are streaming and require internet access. Upon purchase, you will be provided with an access code and a link to Hal Leonard's MyLibrary site, where you can view your digital book along with supplemental audio or video where applicable.

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  • Piano/Keyboard

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