101 Hammond B-3 Tips Stuff All the Pros Know and Use Piano Instruction Softcover Audio Online

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101 Hammond B-3 Tips Stuff All the Pros Know and Use Piano Instruction Softcover Audio Online

This book contains tips, suggestions, advice, musical examples, and other useful information garnered through a lifetime of Hammond organ study and professional gigging. Included in the book are dozens of entries gleaned from firsthand experience, including: funky scales and modes; unconventional harmonies; creative chord voicings; cool drawbar settings; ear-grabbing special effects; professional gigging advice; practicing effectively; making good use of the pedals; and much more! Grammy-nominated Hammond organist Brian Charette has established himself as a leading voice in modern jazz. An integral part of the New York City jazz scene, he was worked with such notable artists as Joni Mitchell, Chaka Khan, Lou Donaldson, and countless others. Brian regularly writes master classes for Keyboard magazine and is a Nord-endorsed artist. He also gives seminars and teaches private lessons all over the world.

Online audio is accessed at halleonard.com/mylibrary


  • Organ

Product Details

  • #HL 00128918
  • 9781480393707
  • 888680013257
  • 9.0"
  • 12.0"
  • 64 Pages

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This book contains tips, suggestions, advice, musical examples, and other useful information garnered through a lifetime of Hammond organ study and professional gigging. Included in the book are dozens of entries gleaned from firsthand experience, including: funky scales and modes; unconventional harmonies; creative chord voicings; cool drawbar settings; ear-grabbing special effects; professional gigging advice; practicing effectively; making good use of the pedals; and much more! Grammy-nominated Hammond organist Brian Charette has established himself as a leading voice in modern jazz. An integral part of the New York City jazz scene, he was worked with such notable artists as Joni Mitchell, Chaka Khan, Lou Donaldson, and countless others. Brian regularly writes master classes for Keyboard magazine and is a Nord-endorsed artist. He also gives seminars and teaches private lessons all over the world.

Online audio is accessed at halleonard.com/mylibrary

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  • Organ

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