Music Composition for Film and Television Berklee Guide Softcover

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Music Composition for Film and Television Berklee Guide Softcover

  • Berklee Guide
  • Berklee Press
  • Digital Book
  • Lalo Schifrin

Learn film-scoring techniques from one of the great film/television composers of our time. Lalo Schifrin shares his insights into the intimate relationship between music and drama. The book is illustrated with extended excerpts from his most iconic scores – such as Mission: Impossible, Cool Hand Luke, Bullitt and many others – and peppered with anecdotes from inside the Hollywood studios. Schifrin reveals the technical details of his own working approach, which has earned him six Oscar nominations, 21 Grammy nominations (with four awards), and credits on hundreds of major productions. Includes the full score of Schifrin's Fanfare for Screenplay and Orchestra, a treasure-trove of unfettered dramatic sound painting, commissioned by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and a great thesis on the emblematic language of film music.

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  • “Lalo Schifrin's new study of film scoring makes an excellent addition to the available literature on the subject. As one of the acknowledged masters of the craft, he's produced a detailed work that will be invaluable to students, and an intriguing read to anyone interested in what often can seem an elusive and ineffable art form.” – John Williams
  • “I first met Lalo Schifrin back in the '60s, when he did the music for several films I worked on (Coogan's Bluff, Kelly's Hero's, The Beguiled, the Dirty Harry films, Joe Kidd). I found him to have an extraordinary imagination and to be an outstanding film composer. He made the characters come alive. I was fascinated with his book Music Composition for Film and Television. It's extremely educational and gives a wonderful insight into the film and television world through the eyes of one of the greats.” – Clint Eastwood
  • “If I were to recommend one book to tell and teach all about music composition for film and television, I would recommend, without a doubt, Lalo Schifrin's book of the same name.” – Hal David

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  • Berklee Guide
  • Berklee Press
  • Softcover
  • Lalo Schifrin

Learn film-scoring techniques from one of the great film/television composers of our time. Lalo Schifrin shares his insights into the intimate relationship between music and drama. The book is illustrated with extended excerpts from his most iconic scores – such as Mission: Impossible, Cool Hand Luke, Bullitt and many others – and peppered with anecdotes from inside the Hollywood studios. Schifrin reveals the technical details of his own working approach, which has earned him six Oscar nominations, 21 Grammy nominations (with four awards), and credits on hundreds of major productions. Includes the full score of Schifrin's Fanfare for Screenplay and Orchestra, a treasure-trove of unfettered dramatic sound painting, commissioned by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and a great thesis on the emblematic language of film music.

Product Details

  • #HL 50449604
  • 9780876391228
  • 884088409005
  • 9.0"
  • 12.0"
  • 288 Pages


  • “Lalo Schifrin's new study of film scoring makes an excellent addition to the available literature on the subject. As one of the acknowledged masters of the craft, he's produced a detailed work that will be invaluable to students, and an intriguing read to anyone interested in what often can seem an elusive and ineffable art form.” – John Williams
  • “I first met Lalo Schifrin back in the '60s, when he did the music for several films I worked on (Coogan's Bluff, Kelly's Hero's, The Beguiled, the Dirty Harry films, Joe Kidd). I found him to have an extraordinary imagination and to be an outstanding film composer. He made the characters come alive. I was fascinated with his book Music Composition for Film and Television. It's extremely educational and gives a wonderful insight into the film and television world through the eyes of one of the greats.” – Clint Eastwood
  • “If I were to recommend one book to tell and teach all about music composition for film and television, I would recommend, without a doubt, Lalo Schifrin's book of the same name.” – Hal David

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

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