Fender G-Dec Guitar Play-Along Series


These special edition Guitar Play-Along packs are designed for Fender G-DEC 3 users. Each pack includes an SD memory card that can be inserted into the amp's card slot. In addition to playing along with the audio through the amp, custom G-DEC 3 toe presets are included so guitarists can easily enjoy playing the right guitar tones and effects for each song. Students and teacchers who use G-DEC 3 amplifiers will find their lesson experience greatly enhanced by these convenient tools.

SD card details:

• Commpatible with Fender G-DEC 3 Thirty and G-DEC 3 Fifteen amplifiers, or card reader on computer

• Full-fidelity demo and play-along auudio tracks (.wav format)

• G-DEC 3 tone presets are included so guitarists can create the right tones and effects for each song in tthe book

• SD card has additional storage capability allowing guitarists to save additional presets, backing tracks, phrase samples,  or lessons.

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