A Midnight Clear Praise Gathering Choral Softcover

A Midnight Clear Praise Gathering Choral Softcover

  • Praise Gathering Choral
  • PraiseGathering Publications
  • Softcover
  • SATB
  • 15.99 (US)
  • Christmas

The creativity of God is so lovingly apparent in the coming of His Son. We delight in the miracle of stars and the songs of angels. We are filled with the wonder of the shepherds who seek and kings who came calling. Yet, without the Messiah, it is simply a story. It is the mighty hand of the Creator that lit the star. It is the music of the Great Composer that overflowed to earth through angel voices. It is the Divine Enlightenment that allowed the shepherds to embrace Truth beyond their imagination. It is God who led the wise men to the Savior. The Almighty is present in every aspect of the Christmas story. He is not shrouded in hidden meanings; He is not cloaked in fear and misunderstanding. God is not hidden in the dark of night.A Midnight Clear draws us to the manger that became a throne. It reminds us to focus on the true miracle of Christmas - Emmanuel, God with us. And it challenges us to seek Him, the Christ Child, in all things. It is an invitation to come and worship the newborn King.

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  • Choral

Product Details

  • #HL 2050273
  • 797242186691
  • A08423

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