128 Rudimental Street Beats, Rolloffs, and Parade-Song Parts contains “traditional” rudimental selections for snare, tenor, and bass drums that will provide the drum sections of parade or drilling units a varied repertoire of performance material. Contains a CD of the material performed by the author, helpful exercises for intermediate drummers, and a preface and foreword.
This re-issue of a 1959 publication from John Pratt is energized by the inclusion of a demonstration CD (dating from a 1968 recording) of the 128 items contained in this 39-page rudimental snare drum collection. Included in this collection are 100 Rudimental Street Beats (each averaging about 20 seconds in length), plus 20 rudimental rolloffs and eight rudimental parade-song parts to such familiar tunes as “This Is My Country,” “Waiting for the Robert E. Lee,” “Oklahoma,” and “Yankee Doodle Boy.”
The CD recording is clean and quite illuminating in regards to the superb, timeless style and technique, and includes Pratt on snare drum, Willard Putman on tenor drum, Keith Trombly on bass drum, and Glen Gould on trumpet. This superb set of rudimental literature will continue to provide excellent repertoire and a pedagogical resource to 21st century rudimental percussionists.
–Jim Lambert, Percussive Notes
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