Jazzology The Encyclopedia of Jazz Theory for All Musicians Jazz Instruction Digital Book

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Jazzology The Encyclopedia of Jazz Theory for All Musicians Jazz Instruction Digital Book

  • Jazz Instruction
  • Hal Leonard
  • Softcover

A one-of-a-kind book encompassing a wide scope of jazz topics, for beginners and pros of any instrument. A three-pronged approach was envisioned with the creation of this comprehensive resource: as an encyclopedia for ready reference, as a thorough methodology for the student, and as a workbook for the classroom, complete with ample exercises and conceptual discussion. Includes the basics of intervals, jazz harmony, scales and modes, ii-V-I cadences. For harmony, it covers: harmonic analysis, piano voicings and voice leading; modulations and modal interchange, and reharmonization. For performance, it takes players through: jazz piano comping, jazz tune forms, arranging techniques, improvisation, traditional jazz fundamentals, practice techniques, and much more!

Customer reviews on amazon.com for Jazzology average a glowing 5 stars! Here is a typical reader comment: “The book's approach is so intuitive, it almost leads you by the hand into the world of jazz. Certainly jazz is freedom of expression, but you have to know what you're doing and this book is the tool for that ... (it) should be standard in every high school with a jazz program and every college lab band.”

Product Details

  • #HL 00311167
  • 9780634086786
  • 073999343687
  • 9.0"
  • 12.0"
  • 272 Pages

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

  • Jazz Instruction
  • Hal Leonard
  • Digital Book

A one-of-a-kind book encompassing a wide scope of jazz topics, for beginners and pros of any instrument. A three-pronged approach was envisioned with the creation of this comprehensive resource: as an encyclopedia for ready reference, as a thorough methodology for the student, and as a workbook for the classroom, complete with ample exercises and conceptual discussion. Includes the basics of intervals, jazz harmony, scales and modes, ii-V-I cadences. For harmony, it covers: harmonic analysis, piano voicings and voice leading; modulations and modal interchange, and reharmonization. For performance, it takes players through: jazz piano comping, jazz tune forms, arranging techniques, improvisation, traditional jazz fundamentals, practice techniques, and much more!

Customer reviews on amazon.com for Jazzology average a glowing 5 stars! Here is a typical reader comment: “The book's approach is so intuitive, it almost leads you by the hand into the world of jazz. Certainly jazz is freedom of expression, but you have to know what you're doing and this book is the tool for that ... (it) should be standard in every high school with a jazz program and every college lab band.”

Hal Leonard Digital Books are cloud-based publications, which are streaming and require internet access. Upon purchase, you will be provided with an access code and a link to Hal Leonard's MyLibrary site, where you can view your digital book along with supplemental audio or video where applicable.

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