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Choral and Classroom Surveys | Hal Leonard Choral and Classroom Surveys Thanks for attending one of our workshops! Give us your feedback on the workshop(s) you attended recently to assist us in making future workshops even better. Click on any of the icons below to go to our workshop surveys. Hal Leonard Choral Workshops (Joy of Singing) Hal Leonard Church Choral Workshops (Joy of Worship) Shawnee Press Choral Workshops (Music in the Mountains - School) Shawnee Press Church Choral Workshops (Music in the Mountains - Church, Music on the Hillside, Music in the Valley) For questions or further assistance, please email See our calendar of events for future choral workshops Joy of Singing/Joy of Worship website Music in the Mountains website Music on the Hillside website Hal Leonard Choral website Choral and Classroom Surveys Thanks for attending one of our workshops! Give us your feedback on the workshop(s) you attended recently to assist us in making future workshops even better. Click on any of the icons below to go to our workshop surveys. Hal Leonard Choral Workshops (Joy of Singing) Hal Leonard Church Choral Workshops (Joy of Worship) Shawnee Press Choral Workshops (Music in the Mountains - School) Shawnee Press Church Choral Workshops (Music in the Mountains - Church, Music on the Hillside, Music in the Valley) For questions or further assistance, please email See our calendar of events for future choral workshops Joy of Singing/Joy of Worship website Music in the Mountains website Music on the Hillside website Hal Leonard Choral website
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